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has come to regard his time at CHS even
more highly thanhe did as a student, ow-
ing much, he says, to the fruits of a Jesuit
education that
taught him how
to think above
what to think.
marked humili-
ty also begins at
Canisius. When
advised that he
would be in-
ducted into the
Alumni Hall
of Honor, his
first reaction
was to feel
misplaced among greatness–“an ink-
stained wretch like me in the company
of the truly distinguished.” A sense of
euphoria, that Brady the writer ironical-
ly finds difficult to put into words, fortu-
nately prevailed as he also learned that
his honor comes in a uniquely special
way. When inducted, Brady will join his
late father, Charles A. Brady ’29, to be-
come the first father-son duo in the hall.
A 1976 graduate of Canisius College,
Brady began his career by joining the
Buffalo Courier-Express, succeeding
the legendary sports columnist Phil
Ranallo and becoming, at 26 years old,
the youngest lead sports columnist in
Buffalo newspaper history. It was also
at the Courier-Express that Brady met
metro columnist Carol Stevens, whom
he married in 1982. That same year, they
May 5, 2012, was a special night for
the five inductees of the Canisius High
School Distinguished Alumni Hall of
Honor. John “Jack” Breen ‘49, the dis-
tinguished Nasser I. Al-Rashid Chair
(Emeritus) in Civil Engineering at the
University of Texas at Austin, was in-
ducted for outstanding contributions
to civil engineering.
The Reverend Eugene Zimpfer, S.J.
‘49, a long time administrator andadvi-
sor at Canisius High School, was induct-
ed for his outstanding contributions to
Jesuit education and administration.
Joseph Rutowski, Jr. ‘52, owner of sev-
eralWesternNewYork pharmacies and
a school supporter, was inducted for his
outstanding contributions to business.
Thomas Lombardo, Jr., M.D.‘65, chair-
man of the Department of Orthopedic
Surgery at Millard Fillmore Hospital
Division of Kaleida Health, was induct-
ed for his outstanding contributions to
medicine. Erik Brady ‘72, award-win-
ning writer for USA Today, was induct-
ed for his outstanding contributions to
Canisius High School’s Alumni Hall
of Honor recognizes alumni who have
distinguished themselves in their life’s
work in a manner that exemplifies the
highest ideals to which the school is
dedicated and who, by doing so, bring
lasting credit to themselves and the
Hall of Honor
Inductees Comprise
Illustrious Group
“Once again, the men inducted into
theCanisius High School Distinguished
Alumni Hall of Honor reflect the bene-
fits aneducation in the Jesuit tradition,”
said John Knight, former president of
Canisius High School. “We are all grate-
ful for their contributions in their fields
and their good works.”
The highlight of the evening was the
presentation of the induction plaques
and remarks by the recipients. Each in-
ductee was introduced by a friend or
family member and each introduction
and acceptance speech is available for
viewing on the schools website.
The names of this year’s inductees
join 117 other members of the hall on
a new plaque located on the first floor
of the Koessler Academic Center across
from the president’s office. Individuals
are selected for induction through a
process coordinated by the Alumni
Board of Governors and approved by
the president of Canisius High School.
Nominate a classmate for induction by
Erik Brady ‘72
When Erik Brady addressed a
meeting of Canisius High School’s
Downtowners Luncheon Speakers
Series last July, engaging the crowd
with his usual wit and expertise was
part of his continuing commitment to
maintain a connection to the school.
After all, his award-winning three-de-
cade career with USA Today newspa-
per had its root in his writing for The
Citadel. Looking back 40 years, Brady
John “Jack” Breen, P.E. ‘49
Thomas A. Lombardo, Jr., M.D. ‘65
Joseph M. Rutowski, R.Ph. ‘52
Rev. Eugene A. Zimpfer, S.J. ‘49